Kyoto to Shirakawago day trip

We offer private Kyoto to Shirakawago day trip

You can start from Kyoto, Osaka or other major cities along the Tokaido Shinkansen line. It is also possible to take this tour if you are traveling from Kyoto (Osaka) to Tokyo or vice versa.

Contact us from here

Are you staying in Kyoto and like to visit Shirakawago? Yes, it is a little far from Kyoto. Tours to Shirakawago are mostly available from Kanazawa, Nagoya and Takayama.

We propose another tour. If you can come to Gifu Hashima Shinkansen Station from Kyoto, or even from Osaka, our car takes you to Shirakawago. This route is not well known. But we think this is the best route to make a Kyoto to Shirakawago day trip.

Gifu Hashima Station is located in Gifu Prefecture between Kyoto and Nagoya. Only Kodama or some Hikari Shinkansen Super Express trains stop there. Nozomi skips the Gifu Hashima Station. It is an only 40-minute Shinkansen ride from Kyoto to Gifu Hashima (50 minutes from Shin Osaka Station). If you have a JR Pass, it covers the trip.

Shirakawago is 2 hours 30 minutes by car from Gifu Hashima Station. That means, you can arrive in Shirakawago around 11:30 a.m. if you leave Kyoto at the 08:10 a.m. Kodama.

Our car (Toyota Estima) has a capacity of up to 6 guests. If you are 4 or less, you can sit comfortably. If there are five or six of you, it is a bit cramped since three people sit in a row. We prepare child safety seats if you are with children.

For a smaller number of passengers, we may use a smaller car.

Price of a private Kyoto to Shirakawago day trip

The price of the tour is 95,000 JPY (subject to change) per group (up to 6 guests). This includes 2 tour guides (take turns driving and guiding), fuel, highway tolls and parking fees. Shinkansen Return Tickets from Kyoto (or Osaka), meals, admissions to museums, etc. are not included in the price. We can advise you on which train to take and where to buy tickets.

If your group is 7 or larger, then we find a larger car with a professional driver. Please inquire.

If you are traveling alone or as a couple and are looking for less expensive tours, consider package tours departing from Nagoya or Kanazawa. There are daily group tours from these cities.

Sample Itinerary

7:54 Leave from Shin Osaka Station by Kodama 708 bound for Tokyo
8:10 Leave from Kyoto Station by Kodama 708 bound for Tokyo
8:46 Arrive at Gifu Hashima Station and meet with the guides
11:30 Arrive at Shirakawago
Lunch and tour in Shirakawago
14:00 Leave from Shirakawago
16:30 Arrive at Gifu Hashima Station
16:35 Leave from Gifu Hashima Station by Hikari 647
17:12 Arrive at Kyoto Station
17:27 Arrive at Shin Osaka Station

Availability of this tour and Contact

This tour is available from March through November. In winter we may operate if there is no snow on the road. This tour is only available for one group per day. Some days this tour may not be available because the guides have other programs.

If you are interested in this tour, please contact us using the link below. Please specify “Day Tour from Kyoto” or similar in the form.

Contact us from here

Introduction to Shirakawago


Shirakawago lies in the heart of Japan’s mountainous Gifu Prefecture. This village is famous for its traditional gassho-zukuri farmhouses. These houses have steep thatched roofs designed to withstand heavy snowfall. Shirakawago is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It offers a glimpse into Japan’s rural past.

Historical Significance

The history of Shirakawa-go dates back over 250 years. The village’s unique architecture evolved from the need to survive harsh winters. The design of the gassho-zukuri houses allows snow to slide off easily, preventing damage. These houses also feature large attics used for silkworm cultivation, contributing to the local economy in the past.

What to See and Do

Visitors to Shirakawago can explore open-air museums and preserved houses. The most notable is the Wada House, the largest gassho-zukuri farmhouse in the village. Inside, you can see traditional furnishings and tools. Other attractions include the Shirakawago Gassho-zukuri Minkaen, an outdoor museum featuring 27 relocated farmhouses. Here, guests can experience traditional crafts and daily life activities.

Seasonal Beauty

Shirakawago is stunning year-round. In spring, cherry blossoms add a splash of color. Summer brings lush greenery. Fall covers the landscape in vibrant hues. Winter turns the village into a snowy wonderland. The illumination event in winter is particularly magical, drawing visitors from around the world.


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