Hogonin Temple, Tenryuji (宝厳院)

Hogonin Temple is a sub-temple of Tenryuji Temple. It is famous for its “Shishiku-no-niwa,” a circular landscape garden with Arashiyama in the background. It is arguably one of the most beautiful gardens in Kyoto. Hogonin Temple is usually closed to the public, but the garden is open to the public during the fall foliage season.

Zen Master Sasahiko Shuryo, a Zen monk who twice traveled to China during the Muromachi period (1336-1573), designed the “Shishiku-no-niwa”. The word “Shishiku” in the name directly translates to “lion’s howl”. This means “the Buddha preaching”.

The garden is also open to the public at night for a limited time. Visitors can enjoy the illuminated autumn leaves. Reservations are required for nighttime viewing.

This temple is not open to the public except for the gardens.

Temple’s official WEB site

Nearby spots from Hogonin Temple

The entrance to Tenryuji Temple is only a few minutes’ walk away. The garden at Tenryuji Temple is also beautiful, so be sure to check it out.

Another pagoda, Kogenji Temple, can be visited at the same time. However, it is not as valuable as Hogonin.

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